Tuesday, June 24, 2014

14 weeks.

What a little growing weed we have on our hands!!! Let's see what she's up to this week.
  • The most adorable "talking"; she has such a cute little breathy voice.
  • LOVING on the ceiling fans and chandelier in her grandparent's Arizona house.
  • Said "goodbye-for-now" to her California family; we miss them so much!
  • Said "hello again" to her Arizona family; we're so glad to be here with them!
  • Flew in an airplane again; she did marvelously!
  • Rolled from her back to her...side!
  • Has tried out and seems to like a Bumbo chair! We keep a close eye on her and will put it on a chair {a big no-no but, again, we're right next to her watching her} and pull her up to the table for meal times; she loves it.
  • Continues to enjoy sucking on her hands and fingers and also loves getting her hands on her feet.
  • Likes her toys; a flashy firefly thing and an adorable little dolly she got as a gift in California.  
  • We LOVE this little baby and just can't get enough of her. Even every two hours throughout the night.
xoxo, natty ♥

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Three months.

Oh they weren’t lying when they said it would get better!! Life has been so amazing and such a turn-around from the first six weeks of Hanna Lu’s life. We’ve actually soent the past month no really in DC but with family in Shenandoah, VA, and home in San Jose, CA, and we’ll spend the rest of the month with family in Pheonix. It’s been SO nice to have people around and to have our daughter meet and get to know and enjoy her family. The baby is so much more interactive than before and she’s just so darn cute. Let’s look at what three months is like.
How old: three months

Weight: hmmmm…we haven’t visited the pediatrician in a long while so my guess is somewhere between 13 and 14 pounds. She’s still not a big weight gainer but the ounces do creep on, just slowly.

·      Eating…she’s much better. Hanna Lu will still be fussy sometimes but this situation is much better than it had been.
·      “Talking”, cooing, squawking, giggling, and making all sorts of sounds with people.
·      Grabbing and sucking on her feet.
·      Grabbing and sucking on her hands; she’ll grip each hand with the other.
·      Being naked.
·      Baths; we got to use a real baby bath here in California {as opposed to the sponge mat we put in the sink at home} and she LOVES it.
·      Being outside.
·      Sucking on toys…she has some soft toys we brought with us and she enjoys gnawing on these.
·      “Sitting”; she enjoys being pulled up into a sitting position and has some pretty good neck control as of the last week or so.
·      Grabbing onto toys; she just started this in the past two weeks and even though her movements are very zombie-like, she’s definitely reaching for things.
·      Swimming; the babe has gone several times and will hopefully go more in the next two weeks while we’re in Arizona.

·      Being in the car! She cries and cries unless she’s just tired enough to fall asleep.
·      Tummy time, though she’s getting to be more tolerant of this.

·      So many new people! Hanna Lu met a ton of family this month.
·      Air travel; the dear child experienced three take-offs and has three more before we get back to DC.
·      Grabbing for things.
·      Sleeping in a real crib.

Sleep and eat:
·      She’s less fussy when she eats.
·      Hanna Lu eats anywhere between every hour to three hours; if she seems fussy/hungry she gets a snack.
·      The bedtime is very late, in my opinion {between nine and 11 – and it stayed that even after we got to the west coast time zone which makes me worry for when we go back east; will she not adjust and be wanting to go to sleep between 12 and two AM?!}.
·      Hanna Lu has recently {since we got back here} been able to fall asleep pretty quickly if she’s swaddled, nursed, and rocked in a rocking chair simultaneously. This is a huge change from back home where she wouldn’t nurse and it took extensive bouncing and walking around to get those eyes to close.
·      Staying asleep is another question. At night, she usually wakes up about an hour after going down {boo} which I think can be attributed to not enough sleep – every infant sleep issue seems to be caused by inadequate sleep.
·      After that first wake-up {or two}, the babe will go down in her crib/bassinet for a two to four hour stretch…there had been a five and six hour one when she was younger but not since. She eats and then goes back down in her crib/bassinet for another two hours. We then repeat the process but in our bed and she’ll snack/sleep on and off until we get up between eight and ten AM. We need to get on a better schedule for when I go back to work but I still have two solid months to get there so I’ll not worry about that right now!

·      Michael and I are wanting to sleep train this kiddo but need to choose some techniques, wait a bit since she’s not old enough, and build up the fortitude and patience…wish us luck.
·      We’re so excited to have another two months together before work; we’re so lucky {& poor!} to have been able to pull this off!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

13 weeks.

This is our third Tuesday in California; we're sad not to have a fourth to look forward to but we are so happy for the wonderful time we've had here, visiting with friends and family.

On to what's new this week in our baby's life!
Nary a smile was to be had in today's serious photo shoot.
  • There was one big first; a trip to the Pacific Ocean! Hanna Lu made no reaction when we dipped her feeties into the cold water but she did seem to love the experience of being there and the sights, smells, and sun.
  • More hanging out with friends.
  • Her first {then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th} restaurant visit; she did splendidly each time! This certainly won't last until the baby's mobile so I'm enjoying it now.
  • Hanna Lu is still loving on her hand and thumb; both are in her mouth quite often.
  • Drooling a lot! I now understand keeping a bib on baby all day.
  • A bit fussy with her eating again; just being a baby!
  • Not sleeping super well but there's SO much that she's been doing I don't blame her...though yesterday was one of our more low-key days and she didn't give me her best night so who knows {no one, I think...babies are all mysteries we're better off not trying to hard to figure out...at least I'm better off that way!}.
  • A visit to Rancho San Antonio for a walk; this is a nature reserve with tons of trails that I've spent much time at and it was fun to take the baby, even if she slept/cried in her stroller.
  • Baby's first visit to Ikea.
  • Baby's first Father's Day which was not actually with her father but we'll make up for that later this week!

There's a flight on our agenda on Thursday so wish us luck!
xoxo, natty ♥

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Beach Babe.

We are in the middle of this big June-away-from-DC-travel-a-thon and loving each day. We had a lovely day today - Hanna Lu went to the beach for the first time and visited two restaurants {she was super good in both!}.

I thought it would be nice to let our daughter's feet touch the water. In case you're not familiar with how the Pacific Ocean feels in our neck of the woods, it's COLD. And the little babe showed no reaction to the temperature.
But she sure was cute with her rolled up pants and sandy feet. I can't wait for the days when she's toddling around in the sand and surf.
An early Happy Father's Day to Mike and our two dads...we love you all immensely and are so grateful for all of your wonderful and much-appreciated dad qualities!
xoxo, natty ♥

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

12 weeks.

We're in the middle of a few very warm days here, but nothing compared to what we had in Arizona last week and with nowhere near the humidity we're missing out on in DC so we're not complaining!

Let's see what else we're doing this week...
  • More and more frequent giggling; ADORABLE!
  • HL "met" the California redwoods yesterday on a hike with our friend Eddie...she loved looking up at the greenery even though it was sweltering {mama kept wetting her down to try and keep her cool}.
  • We've discovered our legs and feet and toes...and getting them into our mouth is a wonderful thing!
  • Some attempts at grasping at things in a deliberate manner...such jerky movements still!
  • We went to our first restaurant; we had Indian food at our favorite restaurant tonight. The proprietor, such a kind man, offered to hold the babe while I ate and this scruffy man did a great job with our little one! And said little one did quite splendidly...she was giggly and cooing in her car seat for a while, good in my arms/on my lap for a bit, and then our friend carried her around for the rest of the time.
  • Hanna Lu visited my old school and workplace; what a joy to introduce her to my friends and be back at one of my favorite places.
  • Swimming happened two more times.
  • Hanna Lu met a lot of neighbors both at my grandmother's house and my father's...so much fun!

I'm sure there's plenty more that's happened in this baby's life the past seven days but this feels good for now; what a California cutie!!
xoxo, natty ♥

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

11 weeks.

Woo hoo we're into using digits for our weeks now, not spelling out the numbers; the baby's getting so old! Ha!

This past week has been a big one for our little girl. We are so grateful to be able to travel this summer and show her off so let's see what's up!
She had a very serious photo shoot today, not many smiles...but lots of cuteness!!!
  • Giggles! Though they quickly turn into a little cry so...
  • Air travel! Wow! Hanna Lu has now flown three times; DC to St. Louis, MO, {layover} to Phoenix then to California this morning. She was a champ each flight and even slept through the first two...though there was a big diaper {& the blanket she was wrapped up in and the baby carrier below that} mishap today which was actually good because it let me know that I can successfully take care of business in an airplane bathroom.
  • Swimming! The little girl seemed to really enjoy her first dip and looks forward to more in the coming weeks!
  • Continued cooing and smiling, which we love.
  • Meeting her great-grandmother, my grandmother, after whom Hanna Lucille is named; what a joy.
xoxo, natty ♥