Friday, November 29, 2013

26 weeks.

Even though I was off work this past week it feels as though so much happened! We were in New York, we spent some really nice days together at home, we cleaned {& cleaned!} and cooked {& cooked!}, friends were over, Thanksgiving was had, so much football was watched, we went out to see a movie, and we still have two mornings left to sleep in. We are so grateful, as always, for everything we’ve been given; our lives are so privileged and there’s so much joy and beauty in life. Looking ahead to next year, we can hardly believe that we get to be blessed with our little girl and the chance to be parents. On that thankful note, we’re also at 26 weeks!
No, I did not get dressed today.
How far along: 26 weeks

Symptoms: It’s been such a good and relaxing week, though my whole back was aching after cooking for several hours Wednesday and Thursday, but I think that would happen in an un-pregnant state. My belly is feeling about as big as last week but I’m feeling really full after eating not too much. That’s been happening for a while now but I think it’s a bit more noticeable.

Baby girl is moving around and squirming up a storm. Some days she’s a bit quieter than others and other days she’s all over the place. The other night I woke up to use that bathroom and it felt like she was hitting me with both her hands and feet. I’ve heard the movement/kicks can be pretty forceful a bit later on; she’s definitely gaining force as the weeks go on but I haven’t experienced any pain from her movement yet.

Overnight I’m waking up every two to three hours to use the bathroom.

It’s hard to get comfortable sitting around on the couch in the evenings. It could be just our couch but it’s either my lower back/hips that get sore or my legs that are feeling restless. Stretching them out a bit seems to help but not very much. Thankfully my legs aren’t too twitchy/restless when I’m laying down, mostly just sitting on the couch.

My gums are still sensitive and my sinuses get pretty stuffed throughout the day. I’m not getting bloody noses but every time I blow my nose you would think I had just been having a bloody nose; fun.

Wait gain: 154. But it’s the day after Thanksgiving – come on!!

Size of baby: a head of lettuce or a scallion; the scallion actually came with an explanation that it’s hard to come up with a veggie for each week and that this is merely an approximation {as they all are, right?!}…I think it’s the length of the green onion that they’re referencing.

Exercise: Not much of anything this week; just some good walking in NYC and lots of cooking on my feet this week.

Milestones: our last Thanksgiving as a child-less family; wow!

What I miss
: nothing =)

Sex: sweet baby girl.

Movement: yes, yes, and yes!

Thoughts/questions/concerns: hopefully my medical records got transferred and I can start going to the birth center before we go to the west coast. I’m also still anxious about my upcoming air travel but I think that relaxing and being confident that it’s all OK will be my best course of action.  

Sleep: Ugh; I’m waking up every two to three hours for the bathroom.

Goals: make it through school the next three weeks so that I can enjoy our two-week winter break. After that, it’s a nine-week {or so} stretch before baby girl gets here.

Random: this week has been SO nice; being home with Mike and relaxing. I really hope that by Sunday evening I’m feeling rejuvenated and ready to go back {I’m definitely not there yet but it’s still Friday so I have time}.

Friday, November 22, 2013

25 weeks.

Update: I just published this post and took a look at this week's picture and last week's - a) I wear that necklace a lot, don't I? Well, I broke one of the strands this evening. It got caught on my hand which I was pulling away and there went all the beads. But I saved them {it happened in the car} and I may foolishly attempt to re-string them. b) I think I actually did pop from last week. I felt that way several weeks ago {Week 21} but I don't just pop out a bit more, my belly is bigger and rounder. I'm loving it! c} Blogger is kind of annoying me because and text that goes before the picture is smaller in size than the text that goes below the picture. Not that big of a deal but it's nagging. Oh well!

It’s been a good week AND I’m on vacation for nine days so here’s to the nice even number of 25 weeks!
How far along: 25 weeks. 

Symptoms: moving baby, getting full easier, and several people today told me that I just got much bigger all of a sudden and I kind of feel it; the belly certainly pops out! My feet and legs still hurt and I asked the doctor about it at our appointment this week and she informed me that it’s something that happens to some women – I think, personally, that it’s a combination of weight gain, relaxing ligaments, and other weird pregnancy/hormone related fun things.

Wait gain: I was down last week but at the doctor’s this week I was up to 151. But, I was wearing boots and a heavy necklace so maybe let’s say I’m at 148 or 149.

Size of baby: a cauliflower or a rutabaga.

Exercise: I’ve been trying to walk Guinness for at least 20 minutes in the evenings and I did so several times this week. I also managed a ten minute session of one minute walking/one minute running. And I stretched afterwards which was lovely.

I decided that I feel horrible not exercising and I’m feeling like I have a bit more of a handle on work time management {but is that ever true for a teacher?} so I’m making an effort to leave work as early as I can to a) avoid some nasty traffic, b) have more time at home, and c) maybe try to get in a bit of movement. I’m not complaining because I’m so fortunate to have a great job and home but the two hours I spend driving each day are when I would normally try to get in a bit of exercise. And get dishes/laundry sorted. And hang out with Guinness. So I’m coming to the realization that my days need to be managed/scheduled to the minute because of this commute which is fine because it won’t always be this way. 

Milestones: we found out that we’re having a sweet baby girl! And that our baby is beautiful and healthy {we are SO grateful for that}. And we got some good pictures of her to boot so it was a good week for the growing Melamed family.

I also got my records transferred to the birth center and hopefully they’re able to take us still and if so, I’ll be so happy because the more I’m reading, the more I’m looking forward to working with a midwife.

What I miss: running. Bending over without much effort.

Sex: girl!

Movement: she’s still at it and I’m loving all of it. There are some times when she’s dancing on my bladder which is an interesting feeling; not so much like I need to run to the facilities but rather it just kind of feels really weird from the inside?

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I’m starting to feel nervous about flying next month but I’ll be sure to check in with the doctor and I know I’ll be fine.

Sleep: I’m getting up to use the bathroom several times a night and I have to flip flop from side to side to be comfortable. I also have all of myself kind of propped up/cradled with my pillow (Snoogle!) and blankets.

Goals: keep trying to get in some movement and fine-tune our registries. 

Random: we’re in New York City right now with friends and we’re so happy to be here!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

24 weeks.

Another week; yippee!!! Let’s see what’s going on these days.
How far along: 24 weeks

Symptoms: I’m feeling unwieldy. Leaning over is getting challenging so putting on socks and shoes that require more than a slip on necessitates some sitting down. I’m also having to use the bathroom more frequently, though it’s most notable at night since I’m busy and in class all day. The little guy/girl inside me also hits on my bladder a fair amount which is an odd feeling, almost like I need to go to the bathroom but almost like a little zing from inside. Also, I’m noticing my face is much rounder than normal and even my legs are bigger; the pounds are adding up.

And! I forgot to mention it last week but I’m sure that I felt baby have hiccups when we were in Shenandoah; I felt two nudges about 10 inches apart, they happened at the same time, and they happened several times in a row.

Wait gain: I was at 143 this morning, which is waaaaaay down from last week. I’m thinking it’s because I didn’t have a huge dinner last night and I had just woken up/gone to the bathroom so I was a bit dehydrated. I’m certainly not eating less so that’s the only explanation I could come up with.

Size of baby: an ear of corn or a cantaloupe; HA!

Exercise:  I’ve gotten out with Guinness for a little walk several times this week. It feels just fine. I think I need to be doing some stretching but my body feels so stiff from standing on linoleum all day that I’m not sure how much stretching it would take to feel as flexible as I used to be.

Milestones: we inherited some baby stuff this week and I cleared out a space in our closet for little one. Thanks to our friends who no longer need their baby things and thanks to my growing body because the new closet space is where the majority of my wardrobe used to reside.

I snagged some more maternity items for myself this week. My choices are getting very limited since I’ve been trying to wear a lot of non-maternity tops but the belly is making that less and less of a sensible wardrobe choice. Hopefully only a few more things after this newest batch and I might be able to make it through to March. Or is that naïve and wishful thinking? We’ll find out, I suppose.

What I miss
: nothing =)

Sex: not yet!

Movement: yes, yes, and yes!

Thoughts/questions/concerns: we have another doctor’s appointment coming up this week and I hope that everything looks/sounds good and that baby is doing well.

Sleep: I wake up at least twice a night for the baño. I’m also starting to have a hard time getting comfortable; the belly needs to be propped up but my back/hip also start to hurt if I spend too much time on one side.

Goals: get through a good doctor’s appointment.

Random: we’re going to Philadelphia this weekend to cheer friends and brother-in-law on in the Philadelphia marathon/half-marathon. I was supposed to be running this marathon, actually, but pregnancy got the better of me 11 weeks ago.

Friday, November 8, 2013

23 weeks.

And another week flew by bring us to 23 weeks pregnant. I felt so proud to make it to 17 weeks pregnant and though it wasn't that long ago, now that's all we have left {hopefully! --> Keep fingers crossed!}.
How far along: 23 weeks

Symptoms: I forgot to mention it two weeks ago but I am starting to see parts of my bellybutton I had hoped never to see; I dare predict a potentially stretched out and flat belly button by late February/early March. This week I felt more queasiness {still!} and hunger. I feel a strong need for animal-derived protein {feed me meat [preferably chicken]!!!!!} each day and the past day I've been thinking fondly about eating some peanut butter; do we have a muscle-builder on our hands here?

I also am still feeling very full if I eat over a certain amount. Full as in, woah, this belly is stretching.

The linea negra is still there though I've yet to notice any stretch marks.

My legs feel a bit restless at times which makes me think I should/need to be exercising.

Wait gain: 149...not bad considering where I was at a week ago {148} and that I'm still eating a decent amount.

Size of baby: a grapefruit or large mango --> yum, fruit salad!

Exercise: we hiked in Shenandoah last weekend and I went on a couple of walks this week. The first hike was brutal because it was straight downhill {my calves and quads!} and that also included straight uphill - about a mile and a half of it all. But it was pretty and it was a good thing for us to get outside.

Milestones: nothing, as far as I can tell. A few weeks ago someone in public asked when I'm due, that was a first, but nothing else has really happened.

We read to the little dude/dudette some nights {Goodnight Moon, Where the Wild Things Are}, though Mike doesn't think it's the best use of his time. I'd like to establish a good bath/story time/bed routine as earlier as possible so why not start now {minus the bath & bed time}?!

What I miss: it's getting hard to lean over and put on socks/shoes.

Sex: not yet, the stinker.

Movement: still going at it and I'm loving every second. There were a couple of really active days and then a couple of not-so-active days; the quieter days are almost hard because they make me worry a bit but then he/she gets at it again.

What I'm looking forward to: finishing our registries. Mike never helped me register for our wedding so I can at least get him to do this one.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I hope the babe puts on a good show for us; we go in not this week but the following for a scan to check that cyst and hopefully see the sex.

Sleep: I'm waking up every two to three hours for the bathroom; this seems to have recently developed...not fun. Sleep quality is good though.

Goals: get in a walk this weekend and one next week. Maybe stretch a bit too.

Switch to the birth center after the next ultrasound.

Buy or borrow from the library Ina May Gaskin's book on giving birth; I've heard it's a nice read that helps to normalize a process that seems to have been made somewhat feared and/or unnatural.

Get a baby book!

Random: it's hard to believe that the holidays are almost here...time to crank up the Christmas music {it happens earlier and earlier each year anyway...}.

Also, I've been slogging through some baby books which I'm really enjoying; there's always something to learn.

Friday, November 1, 2013

22 weeks.

And what a great World Series win for Boston!! Which brings us to…
Kind of a weird angle but the bump is very prominent. And I'm tired; this is at the end of a really long day - I'm in real clothes only because we were out with friends and I wasn't at home/able to change into an elastic waist.
How far along: 22 weeks

Symptoms: a squirmy baby…and a light linea negra – the line that forms from the belly button down on some women during pregnancy. And continued pregnancy gingivitis {uck} so my gums bleed when I brush and floss and they’re swollen {I’m finally calling a dentist this week}…that one’s been happening for a while but I keep forgetting to write it down. Still very hungry all the time but I do get really really full {feel like my belly is gonna pop} whereas pre-pregnancy I’d just feel really full.

Wait gain: I’m at 148 now; up four pounds from last week which is Not Good. But, in my health’s defense, I just ate a large dinner and drank a ton of water so I’ll check it out again in the morning.

Size of baby: a papaya or a spaghetti squash. Another odd set of produce comparisons.

Exercise: nothing. But maybe that weight gain will spur me on to walk a bit.  

Milestones: Not much, just continuing to be thankful for a healthy pregnancy and hoping for it to continue this way.

What I miss: nothing =)

Sex: not yet!

Movement: yes and it’s getting a bit stronger. The little guy/girl is so roly-poly some days and I love it so much.

What I'm looking forward to: finding out boy or girl and going home to visit family; since it’s November I can officially say we see them all next month!

Thoughts/questions/concerns: just waiting for that next ultrasound.

Sleep: I just wish I were getting more of it. But the quality is just fine, though I was battling some sinus issues this week and the congestion was making breathing at night very uncomfortable - bottom line: I got over it.

Goals: get in some exercise? And switch to the birthing center.

Random: We’re going back to Shenandoah for an overnight tomorrow; we’ll be staying in the lodge and not camping, which is much easier but still enjoyable. Next week is going to be a long one at work/school for us both but then Thanksgiving break {we each get the whole week} is on the horizon.