Monday, September 30, 2013

17 weeks.

And now we're caught up! This is last week's post from September 27th when I was 17 weeks along.
Mike is the best husband and loves me so sweetly but a good picture taker, he is not.
How far along: 17 weeks

Symptoms: this week I’ve been super emotional/teary {starting to cry at most anything}, tired {which is funny because I didn’t feel exceptionally tired at all during first trimester like they say you do}, and HUNGRY. 

I’ve also had some no-fun bouts of queasiness, especially in the mornings if I don’t eat enough. I had these weird electric shock feelings in my abdomen but nothing came of them. 

My bosom hurts still and is actually growing enough to warrant a new bra size; yippee! 

There might be a faint linea negra starting up, too.

Wait gain: 137; up 17 pounds from 120.

Size of baby: an onion or a turnip!

Exercise:  nothing still, though I walked around a track a bit while Mike was playing soccer. I’m feeling bad about it. But, I’m also exhausted after work and my feet hurt from being on them all day. I was better this week about leaving work earlier and having some more time at home in the evening so maybe after another week of getting home a bit earlier I’ll feel good and ready about getting out in the evenings for a stroll.

Milestones: I bought a new bra in a size up; that was a brand new experience.

What I miss: running fast. When I was walking around the track earlier in the week I was missing the feeling of sprinting around those curves so maybe I miss being in shape and running fast and strong. Soon enough.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: maybe? Only lying down in bed and only if I’m lying on my stomach, though, this is could be gas?

What I'm looking forward to
: finding out the sex next month and going to the birthing center for the first time this week.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I just wanna know everything is OK. I think that each time before an appointment comes I’ll feel concern and stress until I can hear that heartbeat.

New category! Sleep: I’m sleeping fine still but I'm starting to feel uncomfortable on my belly; almost like there’s a big bubble in there? Which I guess there is?

Goals: stay at work less, start to walk, eat enough veggies.

Random: I wanna know boy or girl!

16 weeks.

I had mentioned in the week before that I'd like to make a quilt for baby and then Rebecca up and showed us just how beautiful friendship is by making each of her five bridesmaids a quilt. Enough quilt to wrap up in on the couch. That girl.

The week home with my new quilt brought me to 16 weeks on September 20th, 2013.

How far along: 16 weeks
Symptoms: queasy, tired, bosom hurts and is growing {totally growing [for me], like, woah!} {& getting lopsided :/}, and my upper back hurts {?!} {could it be from needing a better bra? I don’t think the change in size up there is that big of a deal but I’ve always been extremely petite so perhaps even this much of a change makes a difference}.

Wait gain: 136 this week, up one from last week. Not too shabby for the amount of eating that transpired over our weekend in Minnesota.

Size of baby: an avocado!

Exercise:  nothing still. I didn’t make/find anytime for walking and haven’t attempted a run yet. I am so tired by the end of the day and with my upper back hurting really badly all of a sudden it’s hard enough to make dinner and take a shower. Plus it’s 8 PM by the time those two things happen…

: I maybe felt a tiny flutter one or two nights while lying in bed but I don’t think it was baby. And we’ve officially said goodbye to our last summer as childless married folks. It’s funny the think of all of these “lasts” when the actual baby seems so far away.

What I miss: my back not hurting! But nothing much else this week beyond running. Mike has been getting in his runs and I feel so jealous when he gets home because that post-run feeling is like nothing else.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

What I'm looking forward to
: finding out the sex next month.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: Why does my back hurt this way?

Goals: same as last week à start walking this week maybe get in a short run. Stay at work less and be at home to relax.

Random: I remembered that I’d like to get an actual paper/hard copy baby book. My mother-in-law and I saw some really cute ones at the National Archives gift shop this summer and I took pictures of them so I could maybe search and find the same ones online to choose from and order.

15 weeks.

We went to Minnesota for dear Rebecca and Josh's wedding and I hit 15 weeks on September 13th, 2013.
Loving my faux Zubaz.
How far along: 15 weeks

Symptoms: the queasiness came back this week, in kind of a gross way. And all of a sudden I'm really hungry which is funny since I'm queasy. But being full helps me to feel better later, especially in the morning - I even had a late night snack of nachos this week.

I've also had a bit of achiness here and there, but I think it's from being on my feet all day long.

The bosom is still sore and growing a wee bit more.

Wait gain: the doctor's scale this week said 135 which would put me at a 15 lb wait gain but that was in the middle of the afternoon after having had eaten a big lunch so I'm thinking {hoping} it's more like 132 or 133. Either way, those are numbers I'd never seen before - this is getting real.

Size of baby: a navel orange or an apple!

Exercise:  nada. I've been continuing my break from running AND work has been consisting of some 12 hour days {and nine and ten} so I'm toasted by the end of the day. The doctor mentioned trying to walk in the evenings which I'd like to try this week when we get back home; the past week was hard because there was back to school night and I was working late getting my substitute plans in order.
Milestones: I finally made it to the doctor and heard the heartbeat, which was a beautiful sound. It had been so long since I had heard it/had a confirmation {since July} so I was anxious to have that experience.

And I got some maternity clothes in the mail - the jeans are glorious.

What I miss: we're at a wedding this weekend and a mimosa or margarita with friends, as well as a dip in the hotel hot tub would be nice, but I am looking forward to feeling fine the morning after the wedding!

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

What I'm looking forward to: finding out the sex next month.

: I am concerned about gaining too much weight since I'm not consistently exercising and I'm eating more. I know you're not supposed to eat a great deal more but I've always been a light eater during the day so this is a big change for my body – and I don't want to deprive the little blob of any nourishment. Plus, eating and being full keeps the nausea at bay. Except for being on this mini vacation for a wedding I'm eating a pretty balanced diet {fruit, salad as part of lunch...}, though I could get in more vegetables. I used to eat a ton of raw veggies throughout the day but those just make me feel not good so even though I fit in a salad, it's just leaves, but I do eat cooked vegetables which are better than nothing.

Goals: start walking this week maybe get in a short run. Stay at work less and be at home to relax.

Random: I'd been thinking of making a quilt for baby. My goal is to get that dusty old sewing machine out and crank out some seams on the weekend. I think I'll start in October since the rest of this month is busy already.

14 weeks.

Oops - no picture!

Oh well.

The first full week of September brought me to 14 weeks on September 6th, 2013.
How about a picture of us in Iceland before figuring out that we're soon going to be three?
How far along: 14 weeks.

Symptoms: some queasy days/moments coming back. I wouldn’t know how my legs would feel running since I’m still taking time off but they do feel tired going up and down stairs at work. Still getting thicker and my bosom is growing just a wee bit {and still a bit sore]. A few headaches too but my guess is that they’re tension related {back to teaching busy-ness} and not a result of being pregnant.

Wait gain: let’s say 11 pounds total; 131 up from 120.

Size of baby: both sites say “lemon” this week.

Exercise: Same as last week. We’re going hiking this weekend so I’m looking forward to a nice hike.

Milestones: ordering some maternity clothes.

What I miss: easy getting dressed in the morning. It’s a struggle these days.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

What I'm looking forward to: getting some maternity clothes in the mail this week. And ordering some more that will do well at work; what I ordered this week is a good start but I’ll need a bit more I think to get me through teaching for the next six months.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday and I really hope that everything goes well.

Goals: get to the doctor’s! And try to get ahead a bit in my planning so that I am not staying at work too late; there were some long afternoons this week and I think it’d be good for me to be able to relax at home.

Random: we’re going camping again! And we’ll be travelling to Minnesota for a wedding next weekend.

13 weeks.

The last day of August brought me to 13 weeks on August 30th, 2013.
One of my eyes was really bothering me the past week hence the spectacles.
How far along: 13 weeks.

Symptoms: tummy is feeling better, just like they say it does after week 12. The bosom is holding a bit steady. My legs killed me on an attempted long run last weekend so I decided to tone it down.

Wait gain: 11 pounds total; 131 up from 120.

Size of baby: a pea pod or peach, depending on The Bump or Babycenter.

Exercise: I’m on a self-imposed hiatus. It could’ve been the addition of the heat but I about died during our weekend runs last weekend and I, with the coaching and support of my husband, decided that it’s totally ok to accept being a different runner now. 

Or not a runner for now.

I’m done for at least now and I’ll hopefully start up when I feel ready again but I will say that it was psychologically tough on me to feel so bad {drained and completely dead legs} during a run. It wasn’t even the length {we had been going for 13 or 14 miles} because I felt like that about a block into our route. I’d like to keep active, obviously, and being on my feet at work is a good start {that’s what I tell myself} and I’m comfortable giving my self time to not run and just ease back into it whenever. 

Though I wouldn’t mind, again, some prenatal yoga.

Milestones: telling one class because I got hit with a wave of exhaustion in class and felt the need to ‘fess up.

What I miss: I miss my old wardrobe options and being able to pick out whatever I felt like in the mornings. Now it’s a carousel of outfits until I find one that fits and looks OK.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

What I'm looking forward to: getting to rest this weekend! And seeing a doctor.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I am so worried that I won’t ever be able to run again like I’m used to, but surely thousands of women have gone back to their normal routine. I’m sure my body will look and feel different but I’m very hopeful that my running will once again feel the way I’ve always known it to.

Goals: make that doctor’s appointment.

Random: this week at work just about did me in. There was back to school night {#1 out of two} and I’m just pooped. The next few weeks are shaping up to be the same but hopefully once September is nearing its end things will even out a bit.

12 weeks.

This was the first week of classes and quite a doozy of a five day stretch, I might add. I was 12 weeks on August 23rd, 2013. 

How far along: 12 weeks.

Symptoms: tummy still queasy, it’s feeling pretty bad actually. Legs continuing to feel dead and heavy while running.

Wait gain: let’s say 10 pounds total; 130 up from 120.

Size of baby: a lime! Still! But another source says “plum” this week.

Exercise: running and I’m glad I’m doing it but it’s feeling hard; see “legs” above.

Milestones: telling some more people at work.

What I miss: I’m feeling thick around the middle though in my pictures it doesn’t look it; so funny how one’s perception can be different from reality.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

What I'm looking forward to
: starting to teach again, though I’m going to need to be creative with my wardrobe. I’m not looking forward to it but I will have to tell the kids at some point. I am anticipating actually looking pregnant and fitting into maternity clothes.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: Same as the week before though I am curious to see what I’ll feel like going back to being in the classroom and on my feet all day. And I really need to get into see a doctor. I’d been putting off making an appointment {until I had insurance} at the birthing center I’d like to go to and would like to be seen before we travel out of town later in September but now it’s looking like their schedule is packed.

Goals: keep running! And get back to teaching!

Random: the families are talking about baby showers and I’m really excited for those already!

11 weeks.

OK, let's get these cranked out!

Week 11 - August 16th, 2013.
I "turn over" each week on Fridays but this picture was taken the day after when we had gotten down to Shenandoah for a quick camping excursion.

How far along: 11 weeks.

Symptoms: ugh major queasy stomach this week! It's not like a stomach flu sort of feeling, but it's most certainly nausea. It never gets to needing a bathroom, though. Eating doesn't seem to make it better anymore either which is no fun. It seems to ramp up in the evenings as well, usually before, during, and after dinner. Fresh foods {veggies} seem to really help.  It was bad basically since Sunday morning when I got in off of a red-eye flight from California so I'm wondering if because of that and going back to work I'm extra tired and maybe that's triggering it. My legs also feel dead when I'm running...trying to wear too-tight pre-pregnant pants cutting off circulation? And the bosom is quite sore and finally blossoming a bit, close to 20 years post-puberty.

Wait gain: hmm...I'm thinking maybe up a pound or two so let's make it nine pounds total.

Size of baby: a lime!

Exercise: this was a bad running week. I took off Sunday through Wednesday which isn't that bad when I write it out. I was so pooped from travel and my new routine but on Thursday I committed to running at work and that seems to be the trick; when I get home after a commute and the couch is sitting there I lose all motivation. It's really important to me that I continue running as long as I can do so healthily. I think it's better for me mentally {& physically, obviously}, I'm thinking it's not too bad for baby, and I've heard that it can help with labor and recovery. Plus I have a marathon scheduled for November. I'm really apprehensive about his race but determined to make it as far as I can in training. I know that many pregnant women complete marathons each year and I'm keeping that thought in mind.

Also, I'm feeling really stiff and would love some affordable pre-natal yoga. I'll hopefully look up and find some options.

Milestones: telling some people at work; more next week! And returning to work after summer, that's always a feat.

What I miss: cold white wine at tonightt's crab feed would've been nice but Old Bay is so salty I was very grateful for my water! And feeling my size; my body is definitely changing and my wardrobe options are diminishing.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

What I'm looking forward to: making it to 12 weeks and getting into my first appointment.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I want to keep running. I'm also worried I'll never get back to my pre-pregnancy size which is less about vanity and more about practicality since I'd need an entirely new wardrobe {and I really like the one I've got!}.

Goals: keep running! And get back to work!

Random: we're going camping tomorrow!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

10 weeks.

It's gotten late and I need to get to sleep so this'll be the last weekly for tonight... August 9th, 2013 - 10 weeks.
Not the best picture quality ever; that's OK.

How far along: 10 weeks

Symptoms: not too much queasiness or tiredness, a pretty OK week actually.

Wait gain
: still at about 7 pounds.

Size of baby: a fig!

Exercise: I had a good running week following my marathon training plan and got in a good 11-miler today!

Milestones: telling friends in California.

What I miss: not too much at all this week! I'm starting to miss being in California, though it will be nice to in DC with my husband and in my home.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

Showing: yes, but it's mostly bloating as I eat throughout the day.

Maternity clothes: none yet but I have a few belly bands {thanks Lisa!} to help when I don't feel like buttoning my pants.

What I'm looking forward to: going to the birthing center for my first real appointment in September.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: none really this week!

Goals: keep running! And get back to work.

Random: I'm not looking forward to having to tell people at work mostly because it's always embarrassing for me to be in the spotlight.

9 weeks.

August 2nd, 2013 - 9 weeks in!

How far along: 9 weeks.

Symptoms: some more intense nausea this week; eating still seems to help but not all the time, bosom still sore, a bit crampy here and there, a wee bit of fatigue here and there

Wait gain: no scale here but my guess would be maybe not much; I've been way more active than I was in DC, though I'm eating just as much still {staves off nausea} and I don't feel much bigger.

Size of baby: a green olive!

Exercise: still running though I can't shake my nervousness. I've got my first long run {10 miles} slated for Saturday and I'm actually looking forward to it.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

Milestones: telling my family ❤.

What I miss: white wine! Everyone's drinking around me since we're on vacation. Oh and coffee! It's such a big thing in my family to share morning and afternoon coffee together. Oh well.

What I'm looking forward to: getting my Bella Bands in the mail next week. I can still fit in clothes and thankfully my weight gain is not as intense here as it is in DC so I'm hoping I won't need them for a little while but I'm still excited to see them.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I think I'd feel better if I could hear the heartbeat again. I'm going to start seeing the midwife in September when new insurance kicks in and hopefully it covers ultrasounds because our old plan doesn't cover them entirely.

Goals: do my long run! Eat healthily; no more ramen if I can help it and more veggies.

Random: I'm so happy to have a full week back in San Jose :)

8 weeks.

Here's the first week I started recording.

Since these first ten weeks or so will be posted after I wrote them, I'll also include the date: this was July 26th, 2013.
How far along: 8 weeks.

Symptoms: still have nausea; eating seems to help but it increased a bit to be slightly more intense and it takes less time between eating to feel it. Being tired kicked in this week but it could've been because family's in town and we were running around doing things. I'm also hungry quite a bit. My tummy looks massive as soon as I start to eat for the day; I'm definitely not "showing" yet but the bloating certainly makes it appear so. Clothes are getting a bit tight and I'm not sure how well I'll be able to hide this at work. I'll be 12 weeks at the end of the first week of teaching so hopefully I can wear some of my more flowy outfits those beginning days.

Wait gain: 7 pounds. For a while I was holding steady at 115 but the past year or so I'd hopped up to 120 so let's put that as my starting point; this week I'm up to 127.

Size of baby: a raspberry!

Exercise: I'm running and about to start my marathon plan {eeek}. I feel nervous about running and it's for no good reason. It's been so hot in DC which makes it feel really hard and the altitude in Tahoe next week will make it challenging too but I'm curious if I'm feeling any pregnancy exhaustion, it's hard to tell through the heat. I had been sneaking in some ab work here and there and really need to stick with it as long as I can {or until I get an exercise ball} because the bloat I get is horrible and I feel like abs might help that a bit.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

Milestones: last week I saw the little blob and heard a heartbeat! And this week we told Mike's parents because they were in town and we figured it would be hard to hide {we always enjoy a few drinks together} and because it would be really nice to tell them in person; we probably won't see them again until Christmas.

What I miss: cold white wine looked nice when we were out this week. And I miss not always feeling queasy/like I need to eat {and then feel full}.

What I'm looking forward to: going to California! Telling my family in person this week. Ticking off another week to get to the 12 week mark and telling friends. My new insurance is kicking in starting in September so that I can begin going to the birth center I'd like to use during this pregnancy. I'll be able to meet the midwives and then the every-other-month birth month cohort meetings start in the fall {these are in lieu of meeting with an OB; there's an information session with a different pregnancy/childbirth/nursing related theme and then an individual meeting with one of the CNMs}.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I'm running but still feeling nervous about it even though the doctor gave me the "ok".

Goals: keep running! Try to eat healthy.

Random: I {who love warm weather [mostly for the nice evenings and not having to be cold]} am so excited about two weeks of no humidity and temperate California weather!

A start!

I'm beginning this new blog to keep track of and provide updates of our first pregnancy and child for us and for our families who all live many miles away.

We found out about the new Melamed in July 2013 and I've been keeping weekly updates since I was eight weeks along. I'll be posting everything I have up until now so gear up for some reading!

We're so excited for this new stage of our life together and are extremely happy to share with family, friends, and loved ones.

And, for reference, here's a shot of me {& Mikey!} from this past June, apparently right before being struck with child. I'm excited {?} to see the difference in my body as the weeks progress though I do promise us all to keep the bikini shots to a minimum from here on out.
Wildwood, New Jersy...June 6th or 7th 2013. Sans fetus.