Friday, February 14, 2014

37 weeks.

MY FRIENDS ARE HERE!!!!!!!! I’m coming off of two snow days in a row, with the prospect of a three day weekend that includes a baby shower full of pals and a tour of the White House; I am one happy girl. So let’s get updated.
Pajama day #2.
How far along: 37 weeks; we’re considered “early term” though people used to call it “full term” at 37 weeks.


·      It was a light week at work, considering there were only three days, so my back and feet weren’t too bad; it’s actually driving that makes my back hurt the most so less time in the car is a great thing.
·      I’m HUNGRY.
·      I’m also hormonal; crying and agitated at the slightest thing.
·      I’m feeling so anxious about getting every possible thing done; I’m not doing any heavy cleaning because Mikey said he’d take care of that for me but I’ve been cooking up a storm {I’m at nine or ten meals frozen with one more on the docket}, getting our bag ready for when we need to go, finishing a project for the babe, and trying to get things ready around our place. It’s nesting, right? Whatever it is it’s a strong urge that’s hard to fight and I’m worried I’ll never feel settled but I know that I’ll need to just give it up at a certain point; baby will come and everything will be OK.

Wait gain: 165. Down another pound; my midwife appointment got cancelled this week due to snow so I’ll have to wait until it’s rescheduled to ask about this weight loss. I don’t want to be concerned and my belly certainly feels larger than last week so I’m thinking maybe I’m not gaining weight and that the baby might just be taking a bit of mine.

Size of baby: a winterfruit or a bunch of chard.

Exercise: lots of work around the apartment and cooking and we got in a good walk Wednesday night as well as some bowling last Sunday night {that’s totally exercise}.

Milestones: I made a quilt for our daughter. It’s a funky size and there are uneven hems here and there but I love it and hopefully she does too. 
I have some high fallutin’ ideas that maybe for our next baby he or she will also get his or her own quilt.

I also cooked three meals to freeze today; I had meant to get four done but I got tired…in the process I got the freezer cleaned out and organized and it felt really good to do so.

I also made it to 36 weeks and six days pregnant, which means that I can officially give birth at the birthing center; woo hoo!

We were also very generously gifted a stroller for this little one which is so very exciting to me {& her daddy too}; it’s still in the box but it will be so nice and fun to put it together!

What I miss
: tummy sleeping; it came up in conversation one day this week and I sure do enjoy a good belly flop onto the bed.

Sex: a baby girl will be joining us soon.

Movement: good squirming and lots of hiccups this week. I can feel her feeties on my side sometimes but I do think {& hope!} she’s still in a good head-down position.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: same as last week – let’s get even more ready for baby. There are a few things I’d like to get ordered for her for before she gets here and I think I may get that done on Sunday or Monday.  

Sleep: up every few hours for the bathroom and the whale flop over to my other side; my back and hips hurt after too much time on one side.

Goals: get my substitute plans all in order {I’m getting there}

Random: I’m SO excited for my friends’ visit and wish other pals were here to hang out too.


  1. Nathalia, I love the quilt. Can't even imagine how you have found time to make it with working and nesting is fabulous. What a lucky girl. Have a wonderful time with your friends this weekend! Love you, K

  2. Thank you so much Kathy; we had such a blast together! So excited to see you soon!!!
