We're still moving our way into this new place, one trip/day at a time. So, in more interesting news, let's see this baby!
- Should've noted this a few weeks ago but HL is bringing her hands
together {not above picture}. I didn't know but I read in one of my baby updates that this
is a developmental milestone; huzzah for progress!!
- Gets lots of kisses from her "brother".
- Actually notices the dog now; prior to leaving for our big trip the
baby wasn't showing awareness of G-man but now she stares at him and
is quite obviously following him with her eyes. She reacts very
patiently to the face and feet "kisses" too.
- We're hearing lots of "g" and "c" sounds, as well as some "ahh"s. She's
also making a gurgle sound with the back of her throat - adorable!
- Reaching for things, especially the creatures that dangle from her play
mat; she hadn't seen this toy since the end of May and while she
enjoyed it before she definitely loves it now - she grabs on to the toys
and pulls them down as far as she can.
- She moved into her new home high in the sky {the 14th floor}. This makes
for one district and one state that this child has on her "I've lived
there" list.
- Has been very patient with car rides and moving this week; what a trooper.
- Soothed herself to sleep all alone; she did this last night after her
bath and lotion and before I swaddled her...I left her on the middle of
our bed to go do something for a few minutes and was shocked when this
happened...the little booger very cutely sucked on her fingers until
dream land. And then we dropped the pint of ice cream we were spooning
out of into our silverware drawer. The loud sound startled our
little girl and she really needed calming down afterwards but it's cool
to know she's capable of this.
- Speaking of sleep, it's been pretty abysmal recently. She won't stay
asleep for more than two hours at a time except for a maybe three hour
stretch at the start of the night. The start of the night, by the way,
is between nine and midnight, though I'm working at getting it earlier
and earlier. If I keep the little one with me, on the couch or in bed,
then I can get her to sleep almost 12 hours overnight but this lifestyle can't
persist once I go back to work next month, nor is it very sustainable so
we'll have to see how things pan out.
- Loves her bath time! Though I dropped the water cup tonight and it hit
her little tummy; she was very sad and hard to settle down...poor baby
and I felt HORRIBLE.
- Had her first Fourth of July. Didn't really notice the fireworks but looked cute in red, white, and blue.
xoxo, natty ♥
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