Someone seems to have another cold; boo. In positive news this week Miss Lu Lu...
She will NOT lay flat on her back for longer than two seconds. |
- Is a SQUIRMER. Baby hardly sits/stays still and is very curious about everything.
- Has been giving us lots of "mama"s and "dada"s, but I'm not sure she realizes what she's saying.
- Is
trying so hard to stand on her own; she stands up any chance she can
get but can't do much without holding on though that changes a bit more
each day. She cruises all over the place so as soon as she's strong
enough and figures it out she'll be trying to put the two together;
taking steps and not holding on to anything - yikes!
- Enjoyed
watching soccer on TV with her dad this past weekend...we're trying
hard to avoid screens for her but sometimes TV happens.
- She
is very intrigued by our phones. Since we do facetime with our families
she knows and loves the phone which is not something that makes me
happy so we try to keep them out of her sight when not doing facetime.
- Will give slobbery open mouthed kisses if she's not too distracted by everything else around her. Ditto to "high-fives".
- Has had some crummy sleep due to this cold so hopefully things get better soon.
- One week and a half until our big trip...little bit has no idea what's in store for her!!!
xoxo, natty ♥
Hi, young Melameds! I wrote a comment last week, but it does not seem to have been published. I forget the wording, but I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog--almost as good as being there. You are a great observer and commentator, Nathalia. Not to mention, a superb mom. Thank you. Love you