This week is a busy one so let's see what's going on...
- Had
cheese for the first time; loves it! Hanna Lu had a bit of quesadilla
one day and then just some plain old cheese several times after that and
she's a happy camper with it.
- Also is loving on plain
yogurt...we tried some a couple of months ago that didn't go over well
but in the past few weeks she is all about it.
- Wants nothing more than to crawl around or pull herself up to standing...this child is not interested in sitting still.
- Loves her bath and is getting better at not standing up in the tub.
- Thinks
that Guinness the dog is hilarious, still. He will come sprinting up to
her and lick her face, run away, and repeat and even this doesn't
bother her.
- Had her first adult dinner party this past
weekend and rather enjoyed herself {& the snacks}...she slept a bit
late the next morning too which was lovely, though not late enough in
her parents' opinion.
- Will be traveling on a plane
again this week...and then next...and then the week after that; to
Arizona, to California, back to Arizona, back to Maryland.
- Still
really likes her cereal; she has either an oatmeal or rice or a grain
mix and it's usually made with milk though sometimes we make it with
water. She gets a bit impatient with baby food but will continue to eat
cereal way after that.
- Has a bedtime routine that I
realized I haven't recorded for posterity's sake...has "dinner" between
five and six, a bath, jammies, one story, a bit of nursing, another
story, and is in bed with the "rain" sound machine {an app on an old
iphone we have} between 5:45 and six. She's waking once a night usually
though me thinks that's just a bad habit and we'll try to break it once
we return from all of our travels in January, what with all the
time-zone changing that will be going on. Baby's usually up by 5:30 or
6:30 though on weekends if we give her a quick snack and put her back
down she'll sleep until 7:30-ish sometimes. She's ready for a nap within
two hours of waking up and on weekend days, when she's with us, she'll
nap for one to two hours in the morning and then again in the early-mid
afternoon. At daycare I'm not sure how things go but I do know that HL
is well rested, full, and happy when I pick her up so I'm not asking any
- Hanna loves her daycare provider...and this
woman is such a loving presence that we love her too. She makes me
laugh because in reaction to Hanna Lu's somewhat finicky eating, she is
so determined to get milk and food into this baby and fatten her up. I
don't have the heart to tell her that Hanna is just who she is but I
don't discourage her nonetheless {she's just perfect in our eyes,
- Is climbing...or at least trying to. If she
had the traction and things were easier to climb, the baby would be
going vertical...this does not bode well for us in terms of relaxing at
home with our child ever.
- Will hilariously kick her
legs if you hold her up in the air under her arms. We have started to do
this any time we pick her up because it makes us laugh so much.
- Is
pretty OK being with other and new people. She does show separation
anxiety occasionally, usually if she has just woken up, but she is
pretty affable otherwise...this may change soon since I think "stranger
danger" might start kicking in around the nine month mark {later this
week!} so we'll see.
- Loves "Cuties" {though I think
right now the ones we're getting are called "Halos"?}...she kind of
sucks them dry and leaves the pithy...seeds come in these things so we
just need to check for that before letting her have them.
- Went
to the pediatrician, unexpectedly, today for a bit of an icky eye
{related to her cold from last week no doubt}...and she weighed in at
almost 19 pounds and about 28 inches long/tall - she started out at
almost ten pounds and 22 inches. While in the waiting room Hanna Lu was
very intrigued by two young boys who were playing and tried to get down
on the floor to play with them. They were both about five years old and
as sweet as they were with the baby, saying "hi" to her and everything, I
figured her style of play {thrashing her arms} wasn't what they would
appreciate {they were quietly "driving" cars}. This wasn't the first,
Hanna Lu is always very interested in kids and loves to mix it up with
them. I think we can thank daycare for this, truly - it's great to see
our baby be social.
- Is really goofy and so much
fun...we're very excited to spend time with family so they can see what
she's been like recently; wish us luck traveling!
Because I can't get enough of those legs. |
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