Sunday, September 29, 2013

8 weeks.

Here's the first week I started recording.

Since these first ten weeks or so will be posted after I wrote them, I'll also include the date: this was July 26th, 2013.
How far along: 8 weeks.

Symptoms: still have nausea; eating seems to help but it increased a bit to be slightly more intense and it takes less time between eating to feel it. Being tired kicked in this week but it could've been because family's in town and we were running around doing things. I'm also hungry quite a bit. My tummy looks massive as soon as I start to eat for the day; I'm definitely not "showing" yet but the bloating certainly makes it appear so. Clothes are getting a bit tight and I'm not sure how well I'll be able to hide this at work. I'll be 12 weeks at the end of the first week of teaching so hopefully I can wear some of my more flowy outfits those beginning days.

Wait gain: 7 pounds. For a while I was holding steady at 115 but the past year or so I'd hopped up to 120 so let's put that as my starting point; this week I'm up to 127.

Size of baby: a raspberry!

Exercise: I'm running and about to start my marathon plan {eeek}. I feel nervous about running and it's for no good reason. It's been so hot in DC which makes it feel really hard and the altitude in Tahoe next week will make it challenging too but I'm curious if I'm feeling any pregnancy exhaustion, it's hard to tell through the heat. I had been sneaking in some ab work here and there and really need to stick with it as long as I can {or until I get an exercise ball} because the bloat I get is horrible and I feel like abs might help that a bit.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

Milestones: last week I saw the little blob and heard a heartbeat! And this week we told Mike's parents because they were in town and we figured it would be hard to hide {we always enjoy a few drinks together} and because it would be really nice to tell them in person; we probably won't see them again until Christmas.

What I miss: cold white wine looked nice when we were out this week. And I miss not always feeling queasy/like I need to eat {and then feel full}.

What I'm looking forward to: going to California! Telling my family in person this week. Ticking off another week to get to the 12 week mark and telling friends. My new insurance is kicking in starting in September so that I can begin going to the birth center I'd like to use during this pregnancy. I'll be able to meet the midwives and then the every-other-month birth month cohort meetings start in the fall {these are in lieu of meeting with an OB; there's an information session with a different pregnancy/childbirth/nursing related theme and then an individual meeting with one of the CNMs}.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I'm running but still feeling nervous about it even though the doctor gave me the "ok".

Goals: keep running! Try to eat healthy.

Random: I {who love warm weather [mostly for the nice evenings and not having to be cold]} am so excited about two weeks of no humidity and temperate California weather!

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