Monday, September 30, 2013

11 weeks.

OK, let's get these cranked out!

Week 11 - August 16th, 2013.
I "turn over" each week on Fridays but this picture was taken the day after when we had gotten down to Shenandoah for a quick camping excursion.

How far along: 11 weeks.

Symptoms: ugh major queasy stomach this week! It's not like a stomach flu sort of feeling, but it's most certainly nausea. It never gets to needing a bathroom, though. Eating doesn't seem to make it better anymore either which is no fun. It seems to ramp up in the evenings as well, usually before, during, and after dinner. Fresh foods {veggies} seem to really help.  It was bad basically since Sunday morning when I got in off of a red-eye flight from California so I'm wondering if because of that and going back to work I'm extra tired and maybe that's triggering it. My legs also feel dead when I'm running...trying to wear too-tight pre-pregnant pants cutting off circulation? And the bosom is quite sore and finally blossoming a bit, close to 20 years post-puberty.

Wait gain: hmm...I'm thinking maybe up a pound or two so let's make it nine pounds total.

Size of baby: a lime!

Exercise: this was a bad running week. I took off Sunday through Wednesday which isn't that bad when I write it out. I was so pooped from travel and my new routine but on Thursday I committed to running at work and that seems to be the trick; when I get home after a commute and the couch is sitting there I lose all motivation. It's really important to me that I continue running as long as I can do so healthily. I think it's better for me mentally {& physically, obviously}, I'm thinking it's not too bad for baby, and I've heard that it can help with labor and recovery. Plus I have a marathon scheduled for November. I'm really apprehensive about his race but determined to make it as far as I can in training. I know that many pregnant women complete marathons each year and I'm keeping that thought in mind.

Also, I'm feeling really stiff and would love some affordable pre-natal yoga. I'll hopefully look up and find some options.

Milestones: telling some people at work; more next week! And returning to work after summer, that's always a feat.

What I miss: cold white wine at tonightt's crab feed would've been nice but Old Bay is so salty I was very grateful for my water! And feeling my size; my body is definitely changing and my wardrobe options are diminishing.

Sex: not yet!

Movement: not yet!

What I'm looking forward to: making it to 12 weeks and getting into my first appointment.

Thoughts/questions/concerns: I want to keep running. I'm also worried I'll never get back to my pre-pregnancy size which is less about vanity and more about practicality since I'd need an entirely new wardrobe {and I really like the one I've got!}.

Goals: keep running! And get back to work!

Random: we're going camping tomorrow!!

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